class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Santa Barbara Channel Sea Otters and Urchins ## ⚔
with xaringan ### Halina Do-Linh, Allie Cole, and Marie Rivers ### UCSB Bren School and Environmental Science & Management ### 2016/12/12 (updated: 2021-10-27) --- class: inverse, center, middle # Question How MPA's affect sea otter populations (or how sea otter populations and urchin populations are correlated) --- # Data Management Plan Time: ~50% of the total project time for managing data - making sure data is clean and accessible **Marie** - uploading relevant files to a repository **Halina** - making sure all individual data sets can be used together **Allie** There are no legal constraints associated with acquiring, using and sharing project data. Here is our [data log:]( .center[ <img src="./pres_figs/datalog.png" width="95%" /> ] --- # API and Data Retrieval Datasets are from DataOne and the Santa Barbara Coastal Long Term Monitoring Ecological Research (LTER) project
--- # API and Data Retrieval #### Sea Otter Data Santa Barbara Coastal LTER, Daniel C Reed, Shannon Harrer, Clint J Nelson, and Robert J Miller. 2021. SBC LTER: Reef: Sightings of sea otters (Enhydra lutris) near Santa Barbara and Channel Islands, ongoing since 2007. ```r data_lter_url <- "" metajam::download_d1_data(data_lter_url, "data", "counts_sb") ``` #### Urchin Data Santa Barbara Coastal LTER, Steven C Schroeter, John Douglas Dixon, Thomas Ebert, and John Richards. 2021. SBC LTER: Settlement of urchins and other invertebrates, ongoing since 1990. LTER Network Member ```r data_urchins_url <- "" metajam::download_d1_data(data_urchins_url, "data", "urchins") ``` --- # Merging Data ```r otter_LTER_data <- otter_LTER_data %>% filter(YEAR <= 2020) %>% mutate(SITE = SBC_SITE) %>% mutate(SPECIES = "sea otter") %>% select(DATE, SITE, SPECIES, COUNT) ``` ```r urchins <- read_csv("", na = "-99999") %>% mutate(DATE = lubridate::mdy(DATE_RETRIEVED)) %>% filter(DATE >= "2007-01-01") %>% mutate(SPECIES = "urchin") %>% mutate(COUNT = TOTAL_URCHINS) %>% select(DATE, SITE, SPECIES, COUNT) ``` .center[ <img src="./pres_figs/combined_data.png" width="50%" /> ] --- # Results .center[ <img src="./pres_figs/both_counts.png" width="70%" /> ] --- # Preserved Data **Where?** The data will be preserved on [knb]( and [GitHub]( .pull-left[ <img src="./pres_figs/knb_ScreenShot.png"> ] .pull-right[ <img src="./pres_figs/gitrepo.png"> ] **Why?** knb and GitHub are robust sites that hosts a large number of repositories **How?** relevant data will be saved as both a **csv** and **txt file** - the csv (for now) is very accessible and can be quickly downloaded and used for analysis - the txt file will most likely be able to withstand time for a longer period (can be opened by almost any program) --- # Future Steps - contact USGS for additional otter population data - evaluate species counts before and after MPA was established - evaluate species counts inside and outside of MPA .center[ <img src="./pres_figs/MPA-map-channelkeeper.jpg" width="60%" /> ]